Motorola is all set to launch its mid-range Moto X Play phone in India. A day after teasing the phone's launch on Twitter, the company has sent invites to the media for an event scheduled on September 14 where it will announce the India availability of the phone. The invite features a picture of the phone's back and a caption that reads, "A better mobile relationship is when you and your partner can spend the nights talking without realizing the time passing by."
Moto X Play, which was showcased alongside the more-powerful Moto X Style in July, has a 5.5-inch AMOLED screen with Full HD resolution. The key highlights of the smartphone are its 3,630mAh battery and 21MP camera, which Motorola says is the fastest in the industry.
The smartphone, which has nano-coating to protect it from water damage, is expected to be priced around Rs 20,000, but this could not be confirmed.
Running stock Android 5.1.1 (Lollipop), Moto X Play is powered by the 1.7GHz octa-core 64-bit Snapdragon 615 processor with 2GB RAM. The smartphone offers dual-sim support, 5MP front camera, 32GB built-in storage and has a hybrid microSD+sim slot.