Saturday, March 7, 2015


If you own an iPhone 5 and its battery keeps dying, you now have until January 2016 to get it fixed free of charge.
In August Apple launched a replacement program to address issues some people were having with their iPhone 5's battery life. At the time the company said the problems affected a "very small percentage" of handsets sold between September 2012 and January 2013 and that those affected had until March 2015 to get the problem corrected at an Apple Store or by an authorised service provider.
However, the company has now extended the program's life by a further 10 months.
However, the extension doesn't mean that you can trade in an old handset for a new one because your current model is looking a bit tired. You'll need to visit the support page and enter your handset's serial number to see if it qualifies for a new battery as part of the program.
Apple also warns that if the handset's screen is cracked or broken, replacing the battery may not be possible and recommends getting damaged iPhones repaired beforehand.

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