With the Mobile World Congress underway, all major smartphone makers barring Apple and Sony (this year) have something to show off. Samsung released two flagship devices – the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge. While the Galaxy S6 Edge will be a newer variant of the Note Edge, it is the Galaxy S6 that is a phone that comes with a lot of expectations specially since Samsung had a terrible last year in terms of profits, at a time when Apple made record profits.
The comparison between the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the Apple iPhone 6 is but natural. We also added the HTC One M9 to the mix as it also offers the best from HTC. Let us see how all three of them compare against each other.
In terms of display, the Samsung Galaxy S6 clearly seems to have an edge. Having a 2560 x 1440 pixel resolution on a 5.1-inch display gives it a staggering pixel density of 576ppi. The iPhone 6 at 327ppi and the HTC One M9 at 440ppi looks less in comparison. But to be fair, after 300ppi, the human eye cannot really distinguish between individual pixels. Sure, the Super AMOLED display will ensure a high contrast and sharp display, the iPhone 6’s display isn’t bad either. All three phones come with the best glass protection out there, but the iPhone 6 manages to stay the lightest.
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